Local Form: The Oddness


There is nothing odd about The Oddness, and his debut album is proof that he should be called the Goodness...

In Melbourne, we aren’t short on musical talent, and we mean talent that can stand confidently next to the world’s best and hold their own. THAT good. The Oddness is one of those acts, and once you’ve listened to his music, you will scratch your head as to why this cat isn’t touring the world spraying champagne all over his fans in the front row. Not only is his music good, but he is also a damn good bloke. In colloquial terms, he is a bona fide sick cunt.

He has taken his live show to festivals like Rainbow Serpent, Let Them Eat Cake and Babylon, and now he just released his debut album, 'Culmination', a crazy sample-heavy ride through cosmic, tribal beats, and well… fuck… just have a read of what Ferg has to say and then have a listen to the album below. If Opiou decided to do a 2-week Peruvian Ayahuasca retreat and came back all dressed in hippy garb telling everyone to just ‘slow down, take a deep breath and go connect with your father because life is just to short’ while rolling a pure green blunt, he might maybe sound like this. It's pretty bad-ass.

'I always wanted to do an album, but it actually terrified me. When my new project The Oddness was conceived, I was writing a lot of music, and after a bit of persuading from people whose opinion means a lot to me, I decided the time was right, and 'Culmination' was born, and it found a perfect home on Griff's new label Corymbia Recordings. The title 'Culmination' is quite literal, after producing and performing under different monikers with varying styles over the years, this is them all coming together to form a schizophrenic bastard funk baby.'

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